Wednesday 12 July 2017

Gendered Differences in Indigenous Educational Outcomes in the Northern Territory

Dr Andrew Taylor

Census data can tell us about relative successes of males and females in terms of educational outcomes. For Indigenous people in the NT, past Censuses have shown females dominate the ‘gold standards’ for educational attainment – completing Year 11 or 12, obtaining post-school qualifications or obtaining a post-graduate degree.

The chart below indicates the proportion of males and females for those who had completed year 11 or 12 in 2011. We see 55% were females and 45% were males. The equivalent for non-Indigenous females (the orange percentage figure) was 51% female. For post-school qualifications, 52% were females (only 46% for non-Indigenous Territorians) and for postgraduate qualifications, the proportion female was almost 60% for Indigenous graduands, while only 52% for others.

One of the interesting aspects of these data is what it might mean for migration and mobility patterns. In Alaska and Canada studies have noted improved female educational outcomes (particularly for gold standard qualifications shown here) have preceded the migration of women from remote villages to cities and overseas for further education or careers. Studies suggest some come back, however many may not. We are looking forward to investigation these issues using 2016 Census data, coming in October this year. In the meantime, we hope you like the visualisation!

Gendered ratios for Indigenous education outcomes, Northern Territory (2011)    


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